Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Ralph Ernest


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Personal data

Birthdate:  15.10.1948
Birthplace:  Cleveland, Ohio
Marital status:  
Selection date:  ??.??.1980
Position:  MSP
Status:  Ret. 29.05.1980
Day of death:  18.05.2013
Place of death:  Falls Church, Virginia

Additional information

Lieutenant Commander, USN, Ret.; bachelor's degree in engineering physics from the University of Kansas; Ph.D. in experimental physics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook; at the time of his selection assigned at USS George C. Marshall, FPO New York; semi finalist in NASA group 9 selection; was Program Manager in DARPA's Defense Sciences Office.


Last update on September 08, 2020.