Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Stuart Alonzo, Jr.


Stuart Bergman

Personal data

Birthdate:  07.05.1939
Birthplace:  San Antonio, Texas
Marital status:  
Selection date:  ??.??.1980
Position:  MSP
Status:  Ret. 29.05.1980
Day of death:  12.04.2011
Place of death:  Austin, Texas

Additional information

Ph.D. from the University of Texas Graduate School Biomedical Sciences in 1975; M.D. from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas in 1969; was Principal Investigator for Inflight Lower Limb Volume Measurement during the ASTP mission; at the time of his selection assigned at NASA Johnson Space Center; semi finalist in NASA group 9 selection; practice medicine for over 30 years in both public and private sectors.


Last update on May 29, 2018.